On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 04:51:17PM -0700, Kaveh R. GHAZI wrote:
> I also agree with Robert's comments that all warnings are about valid C,
> with -Wall we diagnose what we subjectively feel is dubious coding
> practice.  Not everyone will agree with what -Wall contains, that's not a
> reason to freeze it.

Right, but it's a cost-benefit tradeoff.

> Now if someone does a test and shows that building the world exposes
> hundreds or even dozens of these warnings, **and** none of them are actual
> bugs, then I would reevaluate my opinion.

I think that this should be the standard: a warning belongs in -Wall if
it tends to expose bugs.  If it doesn't, then it's just somebody's idea
of proper coding style but with no evidence in support of its correctness.

A -Wall warning should expose bugs, and should be easy to silence in
correct code.

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