Adam Nemet wrote:
> Andrew Haley <> writes:
>> We need something more like "I think Fred Bloggs knows gcc well enough
>> to approve patches to reload" or "I am Fred Bloggs and I know gcc well
>> enough to approve patches to reload."
> And whom should such email be sent to?  The SC is best reached on gcc@
> but I don't think that recommending someone publicly is necessarly a
> good idea.  E.g. what if the SC does not appoint the person; does that
> mean that the SC decided that he or she was not qualified enough?
> IMO the best way would be to nominate someone to the SC directly and
> then if the SC decides to support the nomination they can check with the
> person if he or she would accept the appointment.

I think it's a much better idea to contact Fred (or Freda, for that matter)
Bloggs to ask them if they want to maintain reload.  :-)

If you really need to contact any SC members in private, you can do
that.  It's not as though their identities are secret.


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