Kirill Kononenko <> writes:

> There have been mentioned a couple of ideas indeed. But I would not
> like to spend a lot of my precious time on telling my thoughts and
> suggestions, if the topic is already decided elsewhere. So I basically
> want asking question which exactly JITing support GCC needs, that I
> don't spend my time in the rubbish bin. So no productivity of my part
> is lost.

It doesn't really work that way.  As far as I know, gcc is not at
present looking for any JITing support.  That is, I don't know of any
active gcc projects which want to use a JIT.  In normal gcc development
practice, the gcc source base would not supply a JIT and see if gcc
developers want to use it.  Instead, somebody with a useful project who
needs a JIT would consider whether to use an existing library, such as
libJIT or LLVM, or whether to invent something new.

In other words, if your goal is to let us know that we can use libJIT,
then: mission accomplished.  If your goal is to include libJIT in the
gcc code base, then you need to 1) identify a gcc project which needs a
JIT, 2) convince people to work on it, 3) convince them that libJIT is
the right solution, 4) convince the gcc maintainers to accept the
project and libJIT into gcc mainline.  No step may be omitted.


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