Dear all, Just a brief note that after a few months of redevelopment I finally opened a new collaborative website to continue Interactive Compilation Interface developments with a hope to make GCC not only a default open-source compiler but also a default compiler for academic and industrial research:
I would like to thank Zbigniew Chamski for a huge effort to move old developments to the new ICI2, to sync with GCC 4.4 and to sync with the current GCC plugin branch. The idea is that many current ICI features are not necessarily needed to the general GCC community but are now extensively used in academic research. So, they are currently implemented on top of GCC plugin branch and allow quick prototyping of new development and research ideas. If some ideas will be useful, using ICI and GCC plugin branch will allow to move them to the main branch much faster. So, I just hope that it will boost innovation for GCC to produce better, faster and smaller code. Also, if some of you are still interested to extend GCC with ICI for Google summer of code (if it's not too late) or even without it, I listed some topics here based on ICI users feedback during last 2 years: Finally, I may not be available for some time due to personal and professional reasons but we already have a small ICI research community so you are welcome to join our mailing list and discuss ICI issues there : Take care and maybe see you at the GCC Summit (if my proposal is accepted ;) ...) Grigori ===================== Grigori Fursin, INRIA