Sure, Diego!
By the way, we just finished preparing the small patch for the high-level 
plugin API 
(that includes pass manipulation and parameter tuning) synchronized with the 
plugin branch (on top of Le-Chun's patch) and should be able to send it tonight 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Diego Novillo []
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 4:42 PM
> To: Grigori Fursin
> Cc:; Basile STARYNKEVITCH; Taras Glek; Zbigniew Chamski; Sean 
> Callanan;
> Cupertino Miranda; Joseph S. Myers; Le-Chun Wu; Sebastian Pop; Albert Cohen; 
> Michael O'Boyle;
> Paul H J Kelly; Olivier Temam; Chengyong Wu; Ayal Zaks; Bilha Mendelson; 
> Mircea Namolaru;
> Erven Rohou; Cosmin Oancea; David Edelsohn; Kenneth Zadeck
> Subject: Re: GCC at Google Summer of Code'2009
> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 05:57, Grigori Fursin <> wrote:
> > I am fine to mentor a few of them (particularly from 1-3) but would like to 
> > see if someone
> > is interested to help with that ?.. I added these topics to the GCC GSOC 
> > page:
> >
> > and would be happy if you modify it or tell me if you are interested ...
> I am interested in 1-3.  I expect to be spending some more time on the
> plugins branch in the near future.  As Manuel pointed out, it's the
> student's responsibility for coming up with a project.  We do publish
> those projects that we would be interested in seeing completed.  But
> it's ultimately up to the student.
> Diego.

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