On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 17:49, Taras Glek <tg...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Why not start the branch with the API as is described and then change it as
> people find problems with it. I am guessing we should converge on an API
> that the majority of users are happy with fairly quickly.

Yes, that's why I suggested using that as the base.

> Where would plugin-centric enhancements such as improvements to the pass
> manager go? i think it'd be useful to have them land in the plugin branch to
> make sure the API is satisfactory.

How about <root>/gcc/plugins/<plugin-name>?  Maybe we could categorize
the 'plugins' directory, but I don't think it makes sense to apply too
much hierarchy this early in the game.

> Indeed. As a maintainer of a couple gcc plugins and a corresponding API,
> what can I do to help out?

I want to start with the API patches first.  Sean has posted a
separate thread with feedback on the API.  I will create the branch by
the end of next week and start accepting API patches.  While I would
like to achieve some broad consensus on each patch, I don't want to
make this too bureaucratic, we can refine the implementation as we go

How does that sound?


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