On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 11:59 AM, Andrew Haley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul Schlie wrote:
>> Andrew Haley wrote:
>>> Omar Torres wrote:
>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>>  Looks like Paul did submitted a patch here:
>>>> http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=20675
>>>> Can you or someone else take a look and comment on it?
>>> Oh my goodness, that is a huge patch.  It's also incorrect, as
>>> far as I can see: LONG_LONG_TYPE_SIZE is never less than 64 bits,
>>> so this test always returns true.  There's a discussion in Section
>>> 6.2.5. of the rationale in C99 that explains why long long is defined
>>> to be this way.
>> Yes, a target port which which does not support 64 bit operations
>> could not be strictly C99 compliant, however don't see any reason
>> to forbid such as may be desired with this understanding; as such
>> a port would remain compliant otherwise and fully useful in this
>> respect, and remain fully compliant with earlier standards.
> I don't understand this.  If a target will generate inefficient code
> for long long, that is surely no reason not to support it, it's a
> reason to avoid using it.  How does the availability of long long
> cause any kind of a problem?

 Agree, and it turns out that long long is *never* used in the
intended application, so the original port author decided not to
bother implementing 64-bit support.

 Since implementing 64-bit support for this target is out of the
question in the immediate future, I am in the look for an alternative

Realized just now that the original port have a comment on how to work
around this same issue:
  # We do not have DF or DI types, so fake out the libgcc2 compilation.

Looks like GCC now sucessfuly complies my x-compiler. Now, the hard
part: check that it does the "right thing".

Thanks for your help!

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