Omar Torres wrote:

> I have a similar issue to what is reported here
> (
> /Applications/avr/avr-src/gcc/unwind.h:59: error: unable to emulate 'DI'
> As you clearly expressed by Paul, the underline issue that the target
> only support data types up to 32-bits, while gcc is expecting up to
> 64-bit support.
> Any suggestions on how to workaround this?

Paul Schlie said:

"The further good news is that upon reviewing the DWARF2 spec in detail,
and GCC's implementation, it's clear that a 32-bit DWARF data structure
is sufficient to support any target with 32-bit or less data type sizes.

"(which seems that it may be reasonably easy to support by declaring the
DWARF data structure size as a function of the size of target's the maxim
declared data type size; although possibly limited to a practical minimum
of 32-bits, which seems much more reasonable for smaller targets)"

but no-one has ever AFAIAA submitted a patch that does this.


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