On Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 06:02:40PM +0200, Grigori Fursin wrote:
> Well, I see the point and I am fine with that. And as I mentioned I can 
> continue 
> using some patches for my projects that currently use environment variables 
> or later
> move to the GCC wrappers if the majority decides not to support this mode ;) 
> Cheers,
> Grigori

Well your gcc wrapper scripts can always use the environment variables you
want, and create the appropriate command lines.  I tend to be on the side of no
environment variables, because it makes is one fewer thing that a user could
forget to include on their bug report.  With explicit command lines, it is more
likely that the GCC community would be able to debug problems.

Michael Meissner, IBM
4 Technology Place Drive, MS 2203A, Westford, MA, 01886, USA

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