Hugh Leather wrote:
Aye up all,

I think the env var solution is easier for people to use and immediately understand. There would be nothing to stop those people who don't like env vars from using the shell wrapper approach. Why not allow both?
I think the other replies addressed this question. I've updated the wiki to reflect the consensus on env vars.

Are you sure about this style of event/callback mechanism? It seems to scale poorly. Isn't it likely to be a bit inefficient, too? Through this approach, plugins can't cooperate; they can't easily define their own events and it feels too early to prevent that.
I'm trying to take the pragmatic approach. There are features we absolutely need in GCC. The simplest possible solution is likely to be accepted sooner. The proposed API is not to become carved in stone. If it turns out 10 years down the road we chose the wrong plugin API, I'm all for scrapping it and replacing it with something more relevant.
It looks like it's trying to replicate the abstraction of calling a function with something worse. What I mean is that I think what people would like to write is:
GCC side:
   void fireMyEvent( 10, "hello" );
Plugin side:
   void handleMyEvent( int n, const char* msg ) {
      // use args

   But now they have to write:
GCC side:
   //Add to enum
   enum plugin_event {
   // Create struct for args
   typedef struct my_event_args {
        int n;
        const char* msg;
   } my_event_args;
   // Call it:
   my_event_args args = { 10, "hello" };
   plugin_callback( PLUGIN_MY_EVENT, &args };
Plugin side:
void handleMyEvent( enum plugin_event, void* data, void* registration_data ) {
      if( plugin_event == PLUGIN_MY_EVENT ) {
            my_event_args* args = ( my_event_args* )data;
            // Use args

Which seems a bit ugly to me. Although, it does have the advantage of being easy to implement on the GCC side.
This approach takes 5 more minutes of development time, that wont be a noticeable difference in the long run.

And, if they're replacing a heuristic and need a return value then even more lines of code are needed on both sides. How would this style work for replacing heuristics?
I don't know how heuristics work in GCC work. It is possible that these handlers might need to return an integer value, but so far in my plugin work I have not needed that so I didn't include return values in the proposal.


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