On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 10:04:05PM -0400, Dennis Clarke wrote:
> I really do value the build status reports submitted by
> others and I go searching for a few results in particular.
> People like Joe Buck can be relied upon to post good looking
> results for Solaris and thus I need to be able to find those
> results easily.

Actually, I used to have access to a much greater variety of
obscure machines, so I could put together a number of interesting
reports, but those old oddball systems have gone away, and I've
fallen behind on that kind of testing.  I'll see if I can do a
few more.

> Is there a way perhaps to update this page automagically? Maybe even a web
> based submission form with a a backend MySQL database ? I am thinking that
> we could drum up something to make the test results more readily
> available.

We usually need a human in the loop to do quality control.

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