I'm including Doug Rupp who is our VMS expert and is one of the people
at AdaCore maintaining the VMS port.

> I stumbled in this while looking at how x-* host files are used.  There are 
> two files in this configuration that "must be compiled with DEC C".
> One is vcrt0.o, which has about 5 lines of executable code.  This makes me 
> think that it would be best if someone with access to the OS would compile 
> it, so that we can put assembly-language source code for it.
> The other is pcrt0.o, which AFAICT had a syntax error since its inception:
>  48001     kenner __main (arg1, arg2, arg3, image_file_desc, arg5, arg6)
>  48001     kenner      void *arg1, *arg2, *arg3;
>  48001     kenner      void *image_file_desc;
>  48001     kenner      void *arg5, *arg6)
> So, the question is: do we care about this target?  Maybe AdaCore has 
> patches to fix it?

AdaCore certainly cares about alpha vms and ia64 vms, and we do have lots
of patches for VMS (which are currently based on GCC 4.1, so not ready yet
for direct submission).


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