I stumbled in this while looking at how x-* host files are used. There are two files in this configuration that "must be compiled with DEC C".

One is vcrt0.o, which has about 5 lines of executable code. This makes me think that it would be best if someone with access to the OS would compile it, so that we can put assembly-language source code for it.

The other is pcrt0.o, which AFAICT had a syntax error since its inception:

 48001     kenner __main (arg1, arg2, arg3, image_file_desc, arg5, arg6)
 48001     kenner      void *arg1, *arg2, *arg3;
 48001     kenner      void *image_file_desc;
 48001     kenner      void *arg5, *arg6)

So, the question is: do we care about this target? Maybe AdaCore has patches to fix it?


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