Hi, I am doing research on optimization of microprocessors and compilers. Some of you already know my optimization manuals (www.agner.org/optimize/).

I have tested many different compilers and compared how well they optimize C++ code. I have been pleased to observe that gcc has been improved a lot in the last couple of years. The gcc compiler itself is now matching the optimizing performance of the Intel compiler and it beats all other compilers I have tested. All you hard-working developers deserve credit for this!

I can imagine that gcc might be the compiler of choice for all x86 and x86-64 platforms in the future. Actually, the compiler itself is very close to being the best, but it appears that the function libraries are lacking behind. I have tested a few of the most important functions in libc and compared them with other available libraries (MS, Borland, Intel, Mac). The comparison does not look good for gnu libc. See my test results in http://www.agner.org/optimize/optimizing_cpp.pdf section 2.6. The 64-bit version is better than the 32-bit version, though.

The first thing that you can do to improve the performance is to drop the builtin versions of memory and string functions. The speed can be improved by up to a factor 5 in some cases by compiling with -fno-builtin. The builtin version is never optimal, except for memcpy in cases where the count is a small compile-time constant so that it can be replaced by simple mov instructions.

Next, the function libraries should have CPU-dispatching and use the latest instruction sets where appropriate. You are not even using XMM registers for memcpy in 64-bit libc.

I think you can borrow code from the Mac/Darwin/Xnu project. They have optimized these functions very carefully for the Intel Core and Core 2 processors. Of course they have the advantage that they don't need to support any other processors, whereas gcc has to support every possible Intel and AMD processor. This means more CPU-dispatching.

I have made a few optimized functions myself and published them as a multi-platform library (www.agner.org/optimize/asmlib.zip). It is faster than most other libraries on an Intel Core2 and up to ten times faster than gcc using builtin functions. My library is published with GPL license, but I will allow you to use my code in gnu libc if you wish (Sorry, I don't have the time to work on the gnu project myself, but you may contact me for details about the code).

The Windows version of gcc is not up to date, but I think that when gcc gets a reputation as the best compiler, more people will be motivated to update cygwin/mingw. A lot of people are actually using it.

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