On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 7:20 PM, Benjamin Kosnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In particular, design. The using bits seem pretty straightforward. It
> would be nice if you could provide some detail in terms of scope (what
> are the algorithms or data structures you intend to instrument),
> and how this fits into the existing debug mode functionality. Do you
> need the debug mode functionality, or are just piggy-backing off this
> existing structure?

This ties in with the main question I had... typically, a profiling
layer is used on larger inputs where it is important that the
profiling code itself have very low overhead. Piggybacking on the
debug mode is a definite performance-killer, so I hope that the
profiling version of the library will be in its own inline namespace
alongside the parallel and debug modes.

My vote for the command-line switch is -fprofile-stdlib.

  - Doug

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