Hello all,

For the 16-bit target that i porting now to gcc 4.1.2 doesn't have any
branch instructions. It only has jump instructions. For comparison
operation it has this instruction:
if cond Rx Ry
 execute this insn

So compare and branch is implemented as

if cond Rx Ry
 jmp Label

If the condition in the 'if' instruction is satisfied the processor
will execute the next instruction or it will replace with a nop. So
this means that i can instructions similar to:

if eq Rx, Ry
  add Rx, Ry
add Rx, 2

This is similar to conditional execution. This way any instruction can
be executed conditionally. But this is different from normal. Normally
the comparison operations set the status flags. An instruction gets
conditionally executed based on these flags. This means that GCC can
schedule instructions between the comparison instruction and the
conditional instruction, provided none of the scheduled instructions
are altering the status flags. This is not possible in my case as
there shouldn't be any instruction between 'if eq Rx, Ry' and 'add Rx,
Ry' and this is not as such an comparison operation and 'if'
instruction doesn't set any status flags.

Will it be possible to implement this in the Gcc backend ?
Does any other targets have similar instructions?


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