
many people seem to be finding our git mirror of the GCC repo


Therefore, I'd like to advertise it on the GCC web site
as an alternative to the Subversion repository.  If nobody
is opposed, I'll send a patch for wwwdocs.

Developers use it for read-only access, and could even commit
patches to the master repository with git svn, without the need
for a separate svn checkout.

At this time, the repository is being synch'd every quarter
hour (actually 03,18,33,48 * * * *), and carries all branches
(although only a few are displayed).  If people think it would be
useful, we could install a commit hook on gcc.gnu.org to mirror
each commit immediately.

|___|   Bernardo Innocenti - http://www.codewiz.org/
 \___\  One Laptop Per Child - http://www.laptop.org/

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