Status ====== GCC 4.3.0 release has been tagged in SVN, tarballs uploaded to (though not to yet). The branch is still frozen though, until we agree on what if anything to do about the implied cld instructions on i?86/x86_64. Hopefully this will not take long.
The options are do nothing (it is a kernel bug and it is easiest to fix it there), or provide a workaround (don't need to step back to the old way, where we inserted cld before string insns even when some function was called since last time cld was emitted in the current function, only one cld between prologue and any string insn in the function is enough), where the workaround can be either optional (e.g. with default determined at configure time), or unconditional, and can be used for both -m32 and -m64 code, or just -m32 code (as in 64-bit code std is extremely rare). Jakub