On Dec 17, 2007, Diego Novillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 12/17/07 19:50, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
>> Now, since you're so interested in it and you've already read the
>> various perspectives on the issue that I listed in my yesterday's
>> e-mail to you, would you help me improve this document, by letting me
>> know what you believe to be missing from the selected postings on
>> design strategies, rationales and goals:

> No.  I am not interested in organizing your thoughts for you.

Wow, nice shot!

So tell me, what part of what you've read in the selected bibliography
seemed not organized for you?  Maybe that's what I have to work on

> I am interested in reading a single, concise and well organized design
> document that you produce for all of us to understand what you want to
> do.

You got that already, except now I'm no longer sure you've actually
read it.  Have you?

You got the goals.  You got the way I intend to get there, in two
levels of detail.  You got examples that show why the goals can't be
achieved in other simpler ways.  You got various justifications for
the representation I've chosen.

Would reformatting these and stamping a title on top make it worthy of
your interest?

I really don't see what else you might want, and if the above isn't
enough, then my rephrasing it all into a single document still
wouldn't be enough.  I'd be just wasting my time, and yours.

So, please do tell me, what is it that you're still missing?  Note
that I can't promise to deliver, but I can't possibly give you what
you want unless you help me figure out what it is.

Alexandre Oliva         http://www.lsd.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/
FSF Latin America Board Member         http://www.fsfla.org/
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED], gcc.gnu.org}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED], gnu.org}

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