From: Jason Merrill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 15:42:50 -0400

> For instance, Bug 32252 is an ice-on-valid bug in a new C++ feature,
> variadic templates.  But since 4.2 gave a syntax error instead of an
> ICE, this gets marked as a regression.

I agree that the regression marker is questionable.

But wouldn't you agree that it's not all that great to ship a new
feature in GCC that users have already found ways to ICE?

The flip side of the coin is that the user has an equal chance
as before to deal with the situation, by not using the feature.

However, the difference that I see as important here is that what
was before a lack of functionality issue is now a quality issue.
And therefore we should really fix the ICE.

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