On 22 October 2007 17:16, Michael Matz wrote:

>> I'd rather wish the optimization would be done differently.  Currently we
>> have: 
>>                                          mem -> reg;
>>    loop                                  loop
>>      if (condition)    => optimize =>      if (condition)
>>        val -> mem;                           val -> reg;
>>                                          reg -> mem;
>> But it could use additional register and be:
>>                                          0 -> flag_reg;
>>                                          loop
>>                                            if (condition)
>>                                              val -> reg;
>>                                              1 -> flag_reg;
>>                                          if (flag_reg == 1)
>>                                            reg -> mem;
> That could be done but would be besides the point.  You traded one
> conditional store with another one, so you've gained nothing in that
> transformation.  

  Not quite: he's hoisted it (lowered it? sunk it?) out of the bottom of the
loop, so the test/branch/store only occurs once, and inside the loop there's
no memory access at all (which should be faster even than a load-cmove-store
with hot caches and no branches...)

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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