On 9/24/07, Manuel López-Ibáñez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't understand is why PROPerties are not associated with TODO_
> functions in a way that if a pass don't have the properties it
> requires, it can call the appropriate TODO_ function. That way, if
> some pass needs PROP_alias but none has triggered TODO_rebuild_alias,
> then that pass calls TODO_rebuild_alias by itself. That way, if no
> pass requires alias information, then no pass ever calls
> TODO_rebuild_alias.

That was one of the original design intentions.  But it was never
actually implemented this way.  I think it would be possible to
implement it this way but then we would have to distinguish whether a
certain property needs to be refreshed or not.

For instance, if you ask PROP_alias and aliases have been computed
already, you'd have to check that we don't need to compute aliases
again.  That may add a few wrinkles to the process.

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