2007/7/26, Anitha Boyapati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Pizarro,

  (hope I got the name correctly!). The central idea of patch
is nice. Although it is obvious from the patch, just to say -
you are printing out the elf data structure size by means of 'len'
and the command mode Elf_Cmd 'cmd'. But I fail to understand the purpose
of Elf * . It started off with some address and then went for another!

 The report quite clearly says the length is shooting off.
I didnt have a heart to run it completely. Neverthless,
I am not sure about attaching quite a big file after running it for 1 hour

 I am giving a much more truncated version here -

elf: 0x09DAD0D0 ; cmd_code: 2
len: 144
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 2
len: 208
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 248
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 2
len: 272
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 312
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 2
len: 336
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 376
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 412
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 2
len: 436
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 476
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 492
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 2
len: 516  ----------------------->      // After this no cmd_code = 2 is used
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 556
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 572
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 588
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 604
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 604
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 604
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 604
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0

elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 218096
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 218100
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 218100
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 218100
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 218100
elf: 0x09DB9F40 ; cmd_code: 0
len: 218104     --------------------------> After 1 hour

 I am mostly a beginer to this elf thing. From the report
 above, I am not sure that I deduce anthing. Well my testcase
 is a series of .byte directives (its an image)

 Thanks for the response. Could you also throw some light on
 the findings -if any- from the above.

On Wed, 25 Jul 2007, J.C. Pizarro wrote:

> Patch it to investigate it a little bit more.
> After runned it, see "quickdirty.log" and post here your report's summary.
> ;)

Anitha B
@S A N K H Y A


You can have an idea that the problem is not in the writing of files, but
it's growing slow!!!

No ELF_C_READ here!!!

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