On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 11:43:49AM +1000, Hasjim Williams wrote:
> I guess I will need to define a new "maverick_cc_register".  My question
> is can I reuse the same CC_REGNUM? Or do I also need another new
> CC_REGNUM_MAVERICK pseudo register?

   See below.

> How do I get a new reg number allocated, if I need one?

   new_hard_regnum = FIRST_PSEUDO_REGISTER ++;

> The only problem would be, is that anything that clobbers CC_REGNUM
> needs to clobber CC_REGNUM_MAVERICK too (and vice-versa), since even
> though they are pseudo-registers, they both are the NZCV flags in
> pc/r15.

   Exactly. The condition code register is not a pseudo register, it is a
hard register and GCC needs to know that a MaverickCrunch comparison will
clobber the result of a previous non-MaverickCrunch comparison and vice
versa. You must keep the same CC_REGNUM because it's the same NZCV bits in

Rask Ingemann Lambertsen

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