hello everyone, I have the following 2 patterns which are consecutive. (from shorten rtl dump file)
(insn 69 34 70 (set (reg:SQ 0 d0) (reg:SQ 18 f2)) 79 {movsq} (nil) (nil)) (insn 70 69 35 (set (reg:SQ 16 f0 [orig:38 D.3693 ] [38]) (reg:SQ 0 d0)) 79 {movsq} (nil) (nil)) For the above pattern i wrote a peephole like this (define_peephole [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "data_reg" "=d") (match_operand:SF 1 "float_reg" "f")) (set (match_operand:SF 2 "float_reg" "=f") (match_operand:SF 3 "data_reg" "d"))] "REGNO(operands[0]) == REGNO(operands[3])" "movf\\t%1, %3" ) even i wrote define_peephole2 which is similar to the above. But the above patterns are not matched at all. But i can find these patterns in the rtl dumps. What could be the reason for this behavior? Regards, Shafi