On 4/12/07, Andreas Schwab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Mohamed Shafi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> hello everyone,
> I have the following 2 patterns which are consecutive. (from shorten
> rtl dump file)
> (insn 69 34 70 (set (reg:SQ 0 d0)
> (reg:SQ 18 f2)) 79 {movsq} (nil)
> (nil))
> (insn 70 69 35 (set (reg:SQ 16 f0 [orig:38 D.3693 ] [38])
> (reg:SQ 0 d0)) 79 {movsq} (nil)
> (nil))
> For the above pattern i wrote a peephole like this
> (define_peephole
> [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "data_reg" "=d")
> (match_operand:SF 1 "float_reg" "f"))
> (set (match_operand:SF 2 "float_reg" "=f")
> (match_operand:SF 3 "data_reg" "d"))]
The patterns match mode SF, but the insns have mode SQ.
sorry actually the patterns are like this
(insn 69 34 70 (set (reg:SF 0 d0)
(reg:SF 18 f2)) 79 {movsf} (nil)
(insn 70 69 35 (set (reg:SF 16 f0 [orig:38 D.3693 ] [38])
(reg:SF 0 d0)) 79 {movsf} (nil)
and the peephole is same as the above
Andreas Schwab, SuSE Labs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SuSE Linux Products GmbH, Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
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