David Daney writes:
 > Richard,
 > Sometime between 1/7 and 1/16 on the trunk I started getting wrong code 
 > on a bunch of java testcases under mipsel-linux.
 > It looks related to (but not necessarily caused by) this patch:
 > http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2006-03/msg01346.html
 > For example if we examine the assembler output of the PR9577.java 
 > testcase, we see:
 > .
 > .
 > .
 > $LBB2:
 >         lw      $2,40($fp)
 >         sw      $2,24($fp)
 >         lw      $2,24($fp)
 >         move    $4,$2
 >         .option pic0
 >         jal     _ZN4java4lang6ObjectC1Ev
 >         nop
 >         .option pic2
 >         lw      $28,16($fp)
 > $LBE2:
 >         move    $sp,$fp
 >         lw      $31,36($sp)
 >         lw      $fp,32($sp)
 >         addiu   $sp,$sp,40
 >         j       $31
 >         nop
 > The call to _ZN4java4lang6ObjectC1Ev is being generated as non-pic, even 
 > though that symbol is defined in libgcj.so.  The assembler and linker 
 > conspire to jump to address 0x00000000 for this call.
 > It looks like the logic that decides if a symbol is external to the 
 > compilation unit is faulty.
 > Any ideas about where it might have gone wrong?

Does http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2007-01/msg01184.html fix this?


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