>>>>> Joe Buck writes:

Joe> There you go again.  Mark did not support or oppose rth's change, he just
Joe> said that rth probably thought he had a good reason.  He was merely
Joe> opposing your personal attack.  We're all human, we make mistakes, there
Joe> can be better solutions.

Joe> If you think that there's a problem with a patch, there are ways to say so
Joe> without questioning the competence or good intentions of the person who
Joe> made it.

        Have any of you considered that Steven was using hyperbole as a
joke?  Are some people so overly-sensitized to Steven that they assume the
worst and have a knee-jerk reaction criticizing him?

        The issue began as a light-hearted discussion on IRC.  Steven's
tone came across as inappropriate in email without context.  However,
Mark's reply defending RTH was not qualified with "probably", which was an
unfortunate omission, IMHO.

        Encouraging a more collegial tone on the GCC mailinglists is a
good goal, but I hope that we don't over-react and create a larger


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