On 1/29/07, Mark Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Steven Bosscher wrote:
> On 1/29/07, Mark Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Email is a tricky thing.  I've learned -- the hard way -- that it's best
>> to put a smiley on jokes, because otherwise people can't always tell
>> that they're jokes.
> I did use a smiley.
> Maybe I should put the smiley smiling then, instead of a sad looking
> smlley.

To me, they do mean very different things.  The sad smiley didn't say
"joke"; it said "boo!".  I think that a happy smiley would help.

Well, a "joke" smiley on the first sentence
Can you explain what went through your mind when you picked the
tree_exp.complexity field for something implemented new...  :-(
would have been inappropriate.  There is no joke in this sentence, there
is disappointment in it.

Like I say, I've had exactly the same problem with my own humor-impaired
recipients.  So, I think it's best just to live in constant fear that
people don't think things are funny. :-)

There's a later ;) simley in the mail and maybe you missed one after
the second paragraph.  (certainly you did)

I don't read that mail as anywhere insulting or inappropriate, maybe too
"informal" for this list (!?).

I appreciate Stevens contributions and willingness to fix things in GCC
that appearantly nobody else wants to tackle.  (I and others owe you
beer for that!)


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