Andrew Pinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: | > | > Andrew Pinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: | > | > | > | > | > C has been a portable assembler for years before it got normalized and | > | > optimizing compilers took over. | > | | > | 18 years. And now it has been 17 years since C has been standardized so | > | you can say C has been standardized now for half its life. 18 years is a | > | long time when it comes to computers. I know one problem is that most | > | people who learn C don't learn about the undefined behaviors until they hit | > | it. | > | > But did you learn the history of how and why those "undefined | > behaviour" came into existence in the first place? | | Tell us then.
The question was not rhetorical, but genuine. I gather from your answer that you don't know; that is OK. C existed before it got a standard (which was expected to be finalized circa 1983-84, but miraculously got delayed for a couple of years). C existed before C++ (which unofficially turned 25 a couple of months ago). It is incorrect to assert that # Over those 17 years, C has not changed that much. The C standard, in effect, has an appendix (Annex H) that was not there in the C89 edition, and that talks about the very specific issue at hand H.2.2 Integer types [#1] The signed C integer types int, long int, long long int, and the corresponding unsigned types are compatible with LIA-1. If an implementation adds support for the LIA-1 exceptional values ``integer_overflow'' and ``undefined'', then those types are LIA-1 conformant types. C's unsigned integer types are ``modulo'' in the LIA-1 sense in that overflows or out-of-bounds results silently wrap. An implementation that defines signed integer types as also being modulo need not detect integer overflow, in which case, only integer divide-by-zero need be detected. [...] Returning to my question, which was genuine, you might get a sense of what the C committee decided to cover by "undefined bahviour" by looking at "The Rationale": Undefined behavior gives the implementor license not to catch certain program errors that are difficult to diagnose. It also identifies areas of possible conforming language extension: the implementor may augment the language by providing a definition of the officially undefined behavior. | It was added to disable the already added optimizations in 2003 (2 | years before VRP was added), why did nobody raise the issue then? maybe you don't remember this is not the first time the issue is coming up -- almost invariably with the same answers. That is OK too. Next time, we will ask why are discussing this only now instead of x years ago? -- Gaby