Most people aren't waiting for compilation of single files.
If they do, it is because a single compilation unit requires
parsing/compilation of too many unchanging files, in which case
the primary concern is avoiding redoing useless compilation.

The common case is that people just don't use the -j feature
of make because
  1) they don't know about it
  2) their IDE doesn't know about it
  3) they got burned by bad Makefiles
  4) it's just too much typing

Making single compilations more complex through threading
seems wrong. Right now, in each compilation, we invoke the
compiler driver (gcc), which invokes the front end and
then the assembler. All these processes need to be
initialized, need to communicate, clean up etc.
While one might argue to use "gcc -pipe" for more parallelism,
I'd guess we win more by writing object files directly to disk
like virtually every other compiler on the planet.

Just compiling
  int main() { puts ("Hello, world!"); return 0; }
takes 342 system calls on my Linux box, most of them
related to creating processes, repeated dynamic linking,
and other initialization stuff, and reading and writing
temporary files for communication.

For every instruction processed, we call printf
to produce nicely formatted output with decimal operands
which later gets parsed again into binary format.
Ideally, we'd just do one read of the source and
one write of the object. Then we'd have far below
100 system calls for the entire compilation.

Most of my compilations (on Linux, at least) use close
to 100% of CPU. Adding more overhead for threading and
communication/synchronization can only hurt.


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