Ross Ridge wrote:
Mike Stump writes:
We're going to have to think seriously about threading the compiler. Intel
predicts 80 cores in the near future (5 years). [...] To use this many
cores for a single compile, we have to find ways to split the work. The
best way, of course is to have make -j80 do that for us, this usually
results in excellent efficiencies and an ability to use as many cores
as there are jobs to run.

Umm... those 80 processors that Intel is talking about are more like the
8 coprocessors in the Cell CPU.

No, the Cell is asymmetrical (vintage 2000) architecture.  Intel & AMD
have announced that they are developing large multi-core symmetric processors.
The timelines I've seen say that the number of cores on each chip will
double every year or two.  Moore's law hasn't stopped.  The number of
gates per chip doubles every 18 months.

Michael Eager    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306  650-325-8077

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