On Wed, 20 Sep 2006, Andrew Pinski wrote:
> The last time a freebsd testresult was sent to the list from the 
> mainline was in May, maybe that is a sign that we should downgrade
> it to secondary from primary.

I have been testing GCC head on FreeBSD on a daily base for years, and
am testing the latest release branch at least once a week.

Also, I usually update the FreeBSD ports of lang/gcc40, lang/gcc41, and 
lang/gcc42 on a weekly base, which means they are heavily used by quite
a number of FreeBSD users as well as the regular builds on the FreeBSD
Ports Build cluster.

This has lead to at least two bug reports (and GCC fixes) which did
not reproduce on GNU/Linux this month alone.

So, it's not been a lack of testing, just a lack of testresults being 
sent. :-)

On Thu, 21 Sep 2006, Loren James Rittle wrote:
> I still bootstrap i386-unknown-freebsd5 on the 4.0, 4.1 and mainline/4.2 
> branches.  I just don't have the submission to the mailing list 
> automated from this desktop machine.  We also know that at least one 
> gfortran developer (Steve Kargl) and an SC member (who shall remain 
> nameless unless they decide to speak up ;-) bootstrap this platform 
> semi-/regularly.

Not too bad of a coverage.  Let's make sure we just get testresults
mailed out as well.  I'll see what I can do on my side...

> Regardless, I will attempt to restart automatic daily reporting for 
> i386-unknown-freebsd.

...and if you can do the same, that'll be great, thanks!

> In my opinion, the conditions that led to i386-unknown-freebsd
> becoming a primary platform have not changed (other than the recent
> failure to post daily automatic test reports and the fact that FreeBSD
> has slowed the introduction of gcc 4.x into the system compiler role).

Agreed.  (The latter should change before the end of the year, as far as
I am aware of.)


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