On 16/08/06, Mahafuzur Rahaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I guess will refer me to read the web site. While I am doing that, I am not clear about my issue. It goes..
Well, it is not only the website. The wiki and the internal documentation contains a lot of information (more than you would like to know). I am also a newbie, and for my newbie project I have collected some interesting links. Please take a look at the Docs and Links section at http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Wcoercion (sorry for the mess, I have to tidy it up a bit).
I want to contribute to GCC dev and I will start at basic projects for beginners.
As far as I know, there is no list of projects for beginners. I guess that you should think about something you would like to learn or work. On the other hand, setting up a list of projects for beginners and making easier for them to contribute to GCC would be a really cool project. I would be interested in participating on that.
While I am setting up my dev box for GCC work, I want to know? 1) Any advise on selecting Linux distro? I know its based on preference but is there any specific distro having advantage towards GCC dev related requirement?
The distro is not important. You could as well use windows (nah, just kidding). More important is to have a recent distro, specially a recent subversion client.
2) The requirement+howto list for GCC installation seemed toward user of GCC (who will compile developed apps for a specific target). My understanding is that if I make changes to GCC code itself then I will need to make sure that the change is OK for all target platform where GCC can be compiled and used. How will I ensure that while sitting on a specific platform? What are the tools / env setup required for this?
Look in the Docs and Links section of http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Wcoercion There is a lot of info about this.
3) Do I need to follow any formal procedure to start on a contribution item? like expressing interest, getting the project assigned etc?
First, you should sign a copyright assignment before your code can be accepted.
From my experience:
1) don't try to rush things out. Learning takes time. Getting the attention of people takes more time. Get someone to review non-critical code takes even more time. So, don't desperate: patience. 2) It is hard to get it right the first time. If someone tells you to go and read the docs, then do it. If you still have doubts, then ask. If no one answers, then ask in another way, in another place (mailing list or IRC) and/or to another person. 3) Don't take witty answers or criticism personally. Actually, never take any answer personally. Email and to some extent IRC and the wiki are not a good media for understanding people's attitudes. I wish you the best luck on whatever project you choose! Manuel.