
I guess will refer me to read the web site. While I am
doing that, I am not clear about my issue. It goes..

I want to contribute to GCC dev and I will start at
basic projects for beginners.

While I am setting up my dev box for GCC work, I want
to know?

1) Any advise on selecting Linux distro? I know its
based on preference but is there any specific distro
having advantage towards GCC dev related requirement?

2) The requirement+howto list for GCC installation
seemed toward user of GCC (who will compile developed
apps for a specific target). My understanding is that
if I make changes to GCC code itself then I will need
to make sure that the change is OK for all target
platform where GCC can be compiled and used. How will
I ensure that while sitting on a specific platform?
What are the tools / env setup required for this?

3) Do I need to follow any formal procedure to start
on a contribution item? like expressing interest,
getting the project assigned etc?

Also if I want to start with deleting garbage code
where most of the module owners will be needed to be
in closed loop how can I go about it?

I will stop here for now. Don't want to make it too
much in first go :P


-- Soyuz 

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