Hi All

While compiling code for SPARC Architecture, Its seems reasonable that
when calling a new function, stack Size of 92 + 4(for alignment) is
allocated. But
with gcc version greater than 3.0, It allocates 104 bytes for the
stack of a new function.

Can anyone please let me know the reason of the difference of 8 bytes?

-------- test.c

int foo();

int main()
 return 0;

Corresponding assembly using gcc 4.0.1
-------- test.s ( sparc-gcc -S test.c -O3 )
        .align 4
        .global main
        .type   main, #function
        .proc   04
        save    %sp, -104, %sp       ; why save 104 bytes????
        call    foo, 0
         mov    0, %i0
        jmp     %i7+8
        .size   main, .-main
        .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.0.1


Any help will be appreciated.

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