I will appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.

Let me give a concrete example of what I want to do (Please understand I have other reasons to do this after gimplification, though the example shows that there is a much simpler way to achieve this): in the example, I want to add a call of instrument() after each call of foo()
//input source: example.c
  int i=0;
//conceptual source: with my compiler, the output should look like the output of the following source code
  int i=0;
instrument(); //i.e, adding a node of CALL_EXPR (instrument) after each node CALL_EXPR (foo)

What I want to do is whenever I find a CALL_EXPR node, I look up its ID to see if it is "foo". If it is, I add another CALL_EXPR node with ID of "instrument". I have two questions: (1) I know "call_node = build (CALL_EXPR, tree_node)" can build a new node, but how can I fill the field of tree_node properly? i.e., make the content of tree_node be a call to "instrument". It seems there is no API to do so.

(2) after the node the call_node has been built, how can I added to the proper place? It seems that tsi_link_after () can't do what I want under this situation because it's only used for STATEMENT_LIST, not other type of nodes, like CALL_EXPR.

Can someone give me some help or hint on above two questions?

static void
add_instruments (tree *tp)
 tree t=*tp, op, new_call;

 switch (TREE_CODE (t))
   case CALL_EXPR:
//I want to add another CALL_EXPR node after the current CALL_EXPR node
     //*******this is my question ***********
   case COND_EXPR:
     add_instruments ( &COND_EXPR_THEN(t));
     add_instruments ( &COND_EXPR_ELSE(t));
   case BIND_EXPR:
     add_instruments ( &BIND_EXPR_BODY(t));
   //and other cases not shown here
     fprintf(stderr, "%d\n", TREE_CODE(t));

static void
code_instrumentation (void)
  add_instruments (&DECL_SAVED_TREE (current_function_decl));

struct tree_opt_pass pass_beacon_instrument =
 "my_instrumentation",                                /* name */
 NULL,                                  /* gate */
 code_instrumentation,                          /* execute */
 NULL,                                  /* sub */
 NULL,                                  /* next */
 0,                                     /* static_pass_number */
 TV_TREE_BEACON_INSERTION,                              /* tv_id */
 0,                             /* properties_required */
 0,                                     /* properties_provided */
 0,                                     /* properties_destroyed */
 0,                                     /* todo_flags_start */
 TODO_dump_func | TODO_ggc_collect,                     /* todo_flags_finish */
 0                                      /* letter */

The place of the added pass is shown here
//file name: tree-optimize.c GCC4.0.2
   init_tree_optimization_passes (void)
     struct tree_opt_pass **p;
     #define NEXT_PASS(PASS)  (p = next_pass_1 (p, &PASS))
     p = &all_passes;
     NEXT_PASS (pass_gimple);

     // this is where the pass is added
     NEXT_PASS (pass_beacon_instrument);

     NEXT_PASS (pass_remove_useless_stmts);

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