Ed Smith-Rowland wrote:


FWIW, I would like to add my support for creating a branch for gpc with the eventual goal of integrating Pascal into mainline. I would bootstrap and test this branch, report bugs and
do my best to help with solutions although I'm new at this.

I think both projects would benefit.  I'll venture some predictions:

1. Another language would test the middle and back ends more and expose more bugs. There would be the process, structure, and motivation to fix them because gpascal is integrated. 2. I know of one person from the gpc world who participates in gcc and understands the gcc-4+ internals.
   I'm sure more would follow.
3. It would be cool to have more languages!
--enable-languages=c,c++,java,objc,obj- c++,fortran,treelang,ada,pascal, Mwahahahah!!!

plus modula !

4. There are multi-language Pascal-C, etc systems that GCC would be left out of without gpascal.

1. The later versions of gcc are getting faster. Moving gpc off of gcc-3 and into gcc-4 would speed things up. GCC-3.4.6 is the end of the line for GCC-3. 2. By targeting integration rather than proximity, all the recent work in
   getting gpascal to work with gcc-4 would be less likely to bitrot.
3. GPC would get much wider exposure. It would probably eventually ship along with the rest of gcc in OS distributions including *ahem* MacOSX. 4. I've seen questions on the gpc mailing list about the availability of OpenMP for Pascal. I don't think OpenMP treats Pascal but gcc has OpenMP integrated into the C, C++,
   and Fortran frontends and has a common OMP runtime.
If OMP was wanted as an extension or became part of OpenMP then your best bet is GCC.
5. I believe that more people would join the GPC maintenance effort.

I get the sense that there are wounds from old battles. Based on the replies I believe that many of the complaints (perceived and/or real): poor response to bug reports, second class citizen feelings - would fall by the wayside if
a branch with the goal of full integration were initiated.

This would require that friendly dialog would ensue and that new people are eased into a different culture in a welcoming manner. This would require a change in workflow
and project structure for gpascal.  But I think it is worth it.

I really hope that these issues and others can be resolved for the benefit of all.

This is an excellent résumé of the situation.

Adriaan van Os

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