The fact is, that the GNU Pascal crew did not want integration with
gcc the last time this was discussed. GCC, the project, can not just
suck in every front end out there if the maintainers of that front end
do not want that.

Apparently, the GNU Pascal crew did not want integration with every buggy back-end that sucks out there.

You left out a part of the sentence: even if it is subject to decision of the SC, it is ok for the GCC project to suck in more front ends, but it can't be done if their maintainers do not want that.

If a back-end (in the sense of machine description, which is how it is commonly used in the GCC context) is buggy, rest assured that it will be up to its maintainers to fix it. If a back-end triggers a latent bug in GNU Pascal, on the other hand, you can only be happy of the additional testing to which gpc got exposed. Can't you?


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