apps built w/ -fstack-protector-all segfault

You will have to give us more info. Most gcc developers probably don't have a copy of UClibc, and plus it sounds like you have made gcc changes that weren't included in your message. So there isn't much we can do here except ask for more details. Try debugging the problem. If you can identify a specific problem here, and give us details about it, we can probably help.

Also since __builtin_trap is used in the fail mechanism the comment above the trap instruction in might be useful:

;; We used to use "int $5", in honor of #BR which maps to interrupt vector 5.
;; That, however, is usually mapped by the OS to SIGSEGV, which is often
;; caught for use by garbage collectors and the like. Using an insn that
;; maps to SIGILL makes it more likely the program will rightfully die.
;; Keeping with tradition, "6" is in honor of #UD.

So you may be seeing something mapped odd, or...


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