
As a long-time user of CVS (before it was a binary ;-) that recently
read the "Turtle book" and as a long-time user of the open gcc source
tree (although less so recently), I am very happy with the proposed
move to svn.  Thank you and all the svn developers for all your hard
work to make it happen.  BTW, as Ian noted, this .ssh/config entry
allows access to the new test svn behind an SSL firewall:

Host gcc.gnu.org
Protocol 1
ForwardX11 no
ForwardAgent no
ProxyCommand ssl-tunnel.pl wwwgate0.mot.com 1080 sshproxy.sourceware.org 443

This allowed me to replace local hacks that I had used for years to
generate an ssh path and which I could not get to work with your old
test svn at svn.toolchain.org...


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