Hi Jose,

On Sat, Mar 08, 2025 at 02:17:52PM +0100, Jose E. Marchesi wrote:
> > Since you already have a fork on the (experimental) forge we could
> > also move your fork under https://forge.sourceware.org/gcc that way
> > you can experiment with merge requests if you like. Even if all your
> > patches still go to the algol68 list first.
> I am all for continuing using the forge if it is useful for the
> experiment.

I think it would. Also I think it would be fun to have one of the
oldest language frontends use the most modern development environments

> Let's see.  Right now the resources we are using are:
>   Website:      https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Algol68FrontEnd
>   Mailing list: algo...@gcc.gnu.org
>   Bugzilla:     https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla
>   Git repo:     https://forge.sourceware.org/jemarch/a68-gcc (branch a68)
> If I understand you suggestion right, we would simply move the git repo
> to:
>   https://forge.sourceware.org/gcc/algol68 (branch a68)

Yes. To do that you should become a member/owner of the gcc
organization. https://forge.sourceware.org/org/gcc
An existing member/owner should be able to accept you.

Then you can move your repository/fork to the gcc organization by
going to the existing repository Settings at
Scroll down to "Danger zone" and click on "Transfer ownership" The new
owner would be gcc. It does need to be accepted by one of the gcc

Now you can setup a Team inside the gcc organization of people who
help maintain this repository. You can do this by either creating a
list of colaborators or pick an existing gcc team at

(BTW. This would also be a good time to set the Default branch to a68.)

> Then people could fork it, send patch series based on their forks to be
> reviewed in the mailing list, get feedback, do corrections, rinse and
> repeat.  Then when the series has been OKed a PR can be made and the
> maintainer just merges it.  Is this the idea?

Yes, that would be the traditional email workflow extended to the
forge. Note that (very unforge like) you (the algol68 team members)
can also directly push to the repository through ssh sidestepping
creating a merge request if that is how you want to do things.

> Is it possible to get emails sent to the mailing list when merges
> happen, merge requests are issued, etc?

People can get emails by clicking the "Watch" button on the

We could try creating a "fake" account that has the mailinglist as
email address. But I am a little hesitant experimenting with "fake"
users. It might be good if the owner of a repo could add an email
address to the Watch list. Maybe this should be a new feature request
to Forgejo.



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