> Hi,
> On Fri, Mar 07, 2025 at 03:57:40PM +0000, Richard Earnshaw (lists) via Gcc 
> wrote:
>> On 07/03/2025 15:41, Jose E. Marchesi via Gcc wrote:
>> > The Steering Committee has decided not to merge the Algol 68 Front-End
>> > in master at this point, but is ok with us using a branch in gcc.git to
>> > develop and maintain the front-end as well as a mailing list in
>> > algo...@gcc.gnu.org. The mailing list has been already set up by the
>> > sourceware friends.
>> > 
>> > What branch should we use in gcc.git?
>> I would have thought something like devel/algol68.  Unless you push
>> a personal branch, devel/ is pretty much the only place you can put
>> it.
> Since you already have a fork on the (experimental) forge we could
> also move your fork under https://forge.sourceware.org/gcc that way
> you can experiment with merge requests if you like. Even if all your
> patches still go to the algol68 list first.

I am all for continuing using the forge if it is useful for the

Let's see.  Right now the resources we are using are:

  Website:      https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Algol68FrontEnd
  Mailing list: algo...@gcc.gnu.org
  Bugzilla:     https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla
  Git repo:     https://forge.sourceware.org/jemarch/a68-gcc (branch a68)

If I understand you suggestion right, we would simply move the git repo

  https://forge.sourceware.org/gcc/algol68 (branch a68)

Then people could fork it, send patch series based on their forks to be
reviewed in the mailing list, get feedback, do corrections, rinse and
repeat.  Then when the series has been OKed a PR can be made and the
maintainer just merges it.  Is this the idea?

Is it possible to get emails sent to the mailing list when merges
happen, merge requests are issued, etc?

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