David Malcolm via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> writes:

> I merged libdiagnostics to GCC trunk on Monday:
>   https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/libdiagnostics
> Unfortunately I've since discovered there's at least one libdiagnostics
> .so already in Debian:
> https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/diagnostics
> https://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libdiag&mode=filename&suite=unstable&arch=any

FWIW, we don't have that packaged and at a glance, we never have.

> so I've been asked to change the name.
> I'd prefer to avoid having "gcc" in the name.
> Some name ideas:
> * libdiag
> * libgdiagnostics (where we can be ambiguous about what the "g" stands
> for)
> * libgdiag (less typing)
> * libcomplain
> * libcomplaint
> * libwhining
> * libwhine (but sounds like the Windows compat software)

I like libwhine > libgdiag > libdiag (libdiag feels too prone to
collision again, and whine has a bit of fun personality).

I worry that complain gives the impression of like, libabrt/apport or
whatever (those crash reporting libraries/programs).

But really, all of these sound fine and I'll go with whatever.

> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Dave


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