Hi Alejandro,

>On Sun, Oct 27, 2024 at 01:40:23AM GMT, mirabilos wrote:
>> Not too sure what the root context of this thread is, but in BSD land
>The root context is that
>-  _Lengthof was added to C2y in the Minnesota meeting.  It was proposed

where/how would this be used for? Also, do you have the nXXXX.pdf link
handy? I don’t actively follow C other than what thephd posts.

>-  I'm sending a patch to GCC proposing __countof__, since overloading
>   length for both string length and array number of elements is (IMO)
>   going to promote off-by-one bugs in string-handling code (and I've

Definitely! The string length is one less than the amount of array
elements it has (works for char and wide strings).

>-  _Nelementsof
>-  _Nelemsof

If you want to shorten elements, elts is probably seen more
often than elems, at least in my experience. But this is very
low-grade bikeshedding, so just me pointing it out but putting
not much weight behind it.

PS: Got any contacts in the OpenBSD and NetBSD worlds that can
    add input? They invest a lot into good C code as well, in
    the OpenBSD case rather heavily (if opinionated).
<igli> exceptions: a truly awful implementation of quite a nice idea.
<igli> just about the worst way you could do something like that, afaic.
<igli> it's like anti-design.  <mirabilos> that too… may I quote you on that?
<igli> sure, tho i doubt anyone will listen ;)

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