On 26/05/2023 17:49, Stefan Kanthak wrote:
I don't like to argue with idiots: they beat me with experience!
Stefan, you are clearly not happy about the /free/ compiler you are
using, and its /free/ documentation (which, despite its flaws, is better
than I have seen for most other compilers).
Instead of filing a bug report, as you have been asked to do, or reading
the documentation, or thinking, or posting to an appropriate mailing
list, you have chosen to rant, yell, shout at and insult the very people
who could make the changes and improvements you want.
So who, exactly, do you think is acting like an idiot? I'd say it is
the rude and arrogant fool that is sawing off the branch he is sitting on.
Remember, these are people with /no/ obligation to help you. Some do
gcc development as voluntary contributions, others are paid to work on
it - but they are not paid by /you/. And none are paid to sit and
listen to your tantrums.
So if you want to shout and rant and blow off steam, go make a tweet or
something. If you actually hope to see gcc change its optimisation,
flag details or documentation to your liking, then your current
behaviour is the worst possible tactic. So let your final post to this
thread be an apology, then register bug reports with what you see as
bugs or scope for improvement in the project. Please - for the sanaity
of the gcc developers and for the benefit of gcc users everywhere - stop
your aggravating posts here, so that Jonathan and the others can back to
what they do best - improving gcc for everyone.