Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
Robert Dewar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
| | > C is
| > trustworthy (and preferred over SML for that curcial part of the proof
| > checker) because the mapping of the C code to the generated assembly
| > code is straighforward and amenable to inspection.
| | This kind of traceability is of course vital for such applications, but
| it is by no means unique to C,

Nobody claims it is unique to C.  You're after the wrong target.

| and there is a big difference between saying
| that C is an assembly language, and that the mapping of C to assembly
| language is transparent.

Oh, you denied any connection in previous message.

Not at all, all languages are connected to assembly language in the sense
that you can write assembly language that corresponds to the semantics of
the language. How WYSIWYG the language is does indeed vary. C is very close
to meeting this criterion 100%, but that's a far cry from calling it an
assembly language itself. Of course I did not "deny any connection" with
asm. You did not read anything even vaguely saying that in what I wrote.

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