Mirza Hadzic wrote:
>> Intel already handed icc + performace libs to apple, but from my 
>> experience icc doesn't create any faster code then gcc. Is there
>> any *recent* benchmark that shows otherwise?

Define "recent".

>> I know that heavy math code is likely to perform better on icc but
>> this is rather uninteresting to general audience.

In general, the choice of compiler is unimportant for the performance of
most user-bound programs. I doubt KDE would run much faster if compiled
with ICC, for example.

However, for codecs, image processing, and other math-intensive
operations, Intel generally produces faster code, though
not always. This isn't just a matter of floating-point generation --
Intel's vectorizer gives their compiler a distinct advantage over GCC,
although I expect GCC to catch up in this regard.

Rather than speculate about Apple, it would be better to find more
funding for GCC development. I know that some people are working on this.


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