> I am doing a study about compilers. I have to monitor many existing 
> compilers and benchmark them. After I have to modify and optimize the 
> 'back-end' part for multithreads models.
You should go look at Scott's site (http://www.coyotegulch.com/) as he
does a lot of benchmarking.

> I have found your works and I would like to have more informations about 
> the IR (Intermediate Representation) during the compilation. For 
> example, if a file containing the IR is created during the compilation.
> If there is another way,I would like to know how can I access the IR.
> Is it easy to modify? etc...
> If you can give me some documents about your IR (and RTL, Back-End).
RTFM. In all seriousness, you go to the main GCC page (http://gcc.gnu.org)
and look in the documentation sections. Some good starting places are:


When you have read all of that, then come back and ask some more
questions. Cheers.


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