Dear Sir,
My name is Thomas Bernard. I am working as a Master Student for the UvA
(Universitat Van Amsterdam) in the section of Computers Systems
Architecture of the Informatics Institute.
I am doing a study about compilers. I have to monitor many existing
compilers and benchmark them. After I have to modify and optimize the
'back-end' part for multithreads models.
I have found your works and I would like to have more informations about
the IR (Intermediate Representation) during the compilation. For
example, if a file containing the IR is created during the compilation.
If there is another way,I would like to know how can I access the IR.
Is it easy to modify? etc...
If you can give me some documents about your IR (and RTL, Back-End).
Best wishes,
Thomas Bernard
Thomas Bernard
Section of Computer Systems Architecture
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Informatics Institute
Kruislaan 403
1098 SJ Amsterdam
Room F.221
Cell Phone : +33 6 18 22 67 83